Thursday, March 13, 2008

Who I Be

I wrote this piece the other night when I couldn't sleep. After passing it by Steve & Jennn, I was advised to put it out there. It will eventually be a performed spoken word piece, so when you read it, think that way....Would love any feedback....

As I
Lay in bed
I listen as cars drive by
As they bump by
They thump by
Bumpin their tunes
Broadcasting the news of
Who they be
And how they see
And I get to wondering, how bout me
Who I be,
And how do you see me

I lay there thinking on the edge of sleeping and waking
And I think for a moment I almost catch a glimpse of me
How you see me
And I see

But then
In the next take
I see every mistake
Every scar every mess
Every time I regret as I look back and see
Who I be
And I wonder what they see when they see me
As I be
Do they see eyes of fear
Hesitant hands
Sealed lips
When the only thing they wish for is the drip
Drop of your blood to come and set them free
But instead they get me
And not you, not your love, not your words
That will comfort when they fear
How do I be
Like you
In every way every word every thought every deed
When all I need
All I want is to be not me, but you
I want them to see not me but you
Not who I be, not who I am
But the Great I Am
In me
Instead of
Who I be


Natalie said...

I like.

Jennifer said...

me, too...or four if Steve and Jennn have already chimed in. :)

Jennifer said...

Well I like it TEN THOUSAND!!! SO what are you gonna do with it??

Lilu said...

This is hot you need to do this for INO